Happy Birthday!

Today marks one year since I started this blog! In that time it has been more successful than I could ever have imagined.

This blog has documented P!nk’s 2013 world tour and shared pictures, interviews and videos. It has celebrated P!nk’s achievements and reported on global media coverage.

This has been an amazing P!nk year for me. I saw her live twice, made a number of popular P!nk videos and even got a tweet from P!nk.

Thank you to everyone who has been read this blog and left comments.

Merry Christmas and happy 2014!


Book quote about P!nk

I was reading a YA novel this morning and was amused to see a P!nk reference. The book is called Crazy and is written by Amy Reed. The story follows the friendship between Connor and Izzy, written as a series of emails.

At one point in the story Izzy names the five people she’d most like to f**k. She lists four males and then puts P!nk at number one. Connor is amused by this and questions her choice since Izzy identifies as being straight. Her response took my breath away.

“Pink is f-ing hot. It doesn’t matter that she’s a girl, or that she is a little old, or even that I don’t particularly like her music. She is beyond gender. She is beyond mainstream music. She has reached a level of hotness that is even beyond the human species. She could totally kick everyone’s ass.” (Page 216)

The author Amy Reed has managed to describe very well some of the things about P!nk that are hard to articulate.

What do you think of the quote?

P!nk’s TTAL Tour in Top 3 for 2013

No wonder Billboard named P!nk 2013 Woman of the Year. Figures show that P!nk’s The Truth About Love Tour is the third biggest tour for 2013. She was beaten by Bon Jovi and Cirque Du Soleil’s tribute to Michael Jackson.

What made me smile the most is seeing the names that she beat. P!nk’s TTAL Tour beat Rihanna, The Rolling Stones, Taylor Swift, Beyonce, One Direction, Justin Bieber, Madonna, Paul McCartney, Maroon 5, Lady Gaga and Bruno Mars (amongst others).

I’ve got to say that reading this made me very happy and proud. She may be under-rated in some parts of the world, but the numbers speak for themselves. P!nk is the queen of music!Image